Paradise Pedagogy with Grigio, the Guardian Angel of Valdocco.


This page is TM to The PARADISE PROJECT.
The qua re (yes, we have read Brendan Behan, so what and I'm not even going to mention that if you put Borstal Boy in there you get four Bs lol) of this class, as with all classes at Uriel University, is to publicize the peaceful paradise of the Priest Prophet and Prince the "pascal pal" as it were, and prevent the persecution, pummeling, and pulverizing of the people who participate HELLO!!???. See elsewhere for a more complete mission statement that does not involve so many ps.

Grigio is the guardian angel dog of Giovanni Bosco, who proposed pedagogical programs for people like me and you.
Often when Bosco was mugged or pistol whipped, the wolf-like buddy would come to his rescue. One has to wonder, what is it about education that would scare people enough to want to murder the teacher, such that he would need a bodyguard like Grigio?

In today's gospel, Jesus appears in his hometown and the people sing "homegrown honey" by Darius Rucker. T/F
He was teaching in the synagogue because he was a A. Rabbi. B. Rabat. C. Rabid, having been bitten by Grigio's arch enemy, the hound of Hell while Grigio was playing frisbee with Lassie or whatever. D. Rabelais and don't push it.
The people said, hey, wait, hold up! isn't that A. the plumber. B. the gardener. C. God. D. they said none of these.
Hey Jesus, they continued, did you pass your A. MCATS. B. GMATS. C. LSATS. D. HAZMATS OR NONE AND DONT PUSH IT. Actually he would have invented a way better test than Katzman or Kaplan because he is in fact God. Change my mind.
Jesus replied, a prophet is not without honor, except A In Chicago. B. In Shanghai. C. In Shinola. D. In his own street.
Pasolini on the other hand studied the phenomenological tenet that A. all reality is holy. B. Once you get locked in the portapotty, it's really hard to get out. For example a fat friar got stuck in the portapotty and once had to ask Padre Pio to wedge him out through a window at SGR and he wedged out onto the roof. T/F/

Upon this feast we hear that the Madonna would be pierced by A. a javelin. B. A dart. C. a spear, used to spear Jesus to see if He was dead. D. a sword, used to cut off the high priest's ear.
And yet it was not her body that was pierced but her A. ears. B. soul. C. toast, and the legend was later recounted by Nathan Lane in the movie "Birdcage."
Ok seriously. No matter how much comedy is applied here, this is the feast of sorrows. If the sorrow threatens your sanity, just remember, three days later He did arise.
The sorrow is so that A. the thoughts of many may be revealed. B. the real reason Jesus was executed may be revealed. C. The salary of Pontius Pilate may be revealed. D. all of these.
Because in God, there is no darkness but everything is A. light. B. stars. C. candles. D. volcanos.

today may be the infamous day the music died for Valenzuela, but its also the feast of St A. Blaise. B. Barnabus. C. Bernard of Corleone. D. Battling Bob and the purgatory proddies.(this refers obliquely to Robert Bellarmine, I'm pretty sure. Yes, we have studied the theology of the reformation, is that some sort of crime. Hello?
Its also the gospel of the martyrdom of A. Bernadette of Lourdes. B. The Baptist, whose head was hacked off by Herod for haranguing his wife over the bling bling bigamy, we must add that the bimbo did a burlesque which got Herod all blazing and blustery. Ok stop it with the Bs. C. and its also first Friday, so check out the promises of Jesus to Margaret Mary Alacoque.
A modern take on the execution of the baptist might be when he goes to DC to divert the Potomac through the white house to "clean up the mess" and Bill and Hillary put him out to sea in a leaky kayak they borrowed from Ted Kennedy (gee I wonder why) because it depends on what "is" is..
I have to add this, for extra credit, how would one use the River Jordan and the Gave of Lourdes to clean out the gehenna portapotty. If you actually do it, you pass the class and dont need to do any more quizzes. Also, consider the question: were many of the pharisees nervous that Jesus like John would call out all their affairs and intrigues? LIkely, yes,-- even though he stressed he was there to inaugurate a kingdom of mercy-- though like Clinton they would never get impaeached for same, as they "destroy the evidence" as it were.
St Paul in his letter to the Hebrews is advising: A. essentially, an ancient version of Jews for Jesus.B. Hebrew people living in Athens who only spoke Greek, having been sundered from their ancestral relatives. C Hebrews in exile in Babylon. D. Hebrews in exile in Egypt.
He advises them to A. share wealth and B. bushwack the governor. C. try to obey the governor. D. both A and C. the psalm says A. the Lord is my governor and I shall not want a political favor. B. the Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want. C. He leads me beside restful waters D. A, and the first section of C.

  • Second thing
  • FEAST OF ST AGATA. it's a big deal in sicily.

    As the FULL SNOW MOON reigns over February and PAUL MIKI, we begin the Bible with the phrase A. in the beginning. B. Where's the index. C. did you find this in a cave by the dead sea?
    Shortly thereafter the voice of God utters the famous quote, A. "Let there be light" B. Let there be snow. C. let there be exegesis.
    It was believed that above the sky there was A. another sea. B. Another taco bell. C. Another subway station full of water, as the sea had flooded it.
    Galileo later mocked this notion by shouting "corn pone." B. "bunch of rummies" C. I'm joining the carbonare and we are gonna blow up the vatican. Later, suckas.
    Ok pause and get serious. God perhaps said to Galileo, in a scene reminiscent of Job, that's interesting-- where is the sea that you made, old chum, and we'll see who has cooler squids? LOL
    In fact we are in fact now searching for water elsewhere in A. the moma restrooms. B. the air strip at area 51. C. the galaxy, which kind of supports the Genesis story in an odd way.

    O lord O lord, the psalmist exclaims, how_______is your name in all the earth! Fill in the blank with A. Italian. B. Russian. C. Albanian. D. wonderful,
    When I consider the heavens, the work of A. Bechtel. B.John Deere. C. a vigorous volcano like Vesuvius D. your hands, Lord.
    In the first reading, God made lots of stuff for us including A. plastic bags. B. plants and animals. C. birds and fishes. D. B and C, but not necessarily A.
    Jesus is exasperated at A. his sandals. B. the pharisees' nitpicketty criticism of things that do not bear directly on holiness. C. the weather. D. Peter's torn nets, which are poor quality.
    You pharisees care more about washing your hands then your A. hearts. B. hobie cats. C. Hinges. D. Horses.

    In the beginning of earth, there had been no rain, but a spring was welling up out of the ground. Where? A. Poland Spring, Maine. B. San Pellegrino, Italy. C. Lourdes, France. D. the Himmelgarten
    (hint, even if you don't speak German, this is the only possible answer. This is a trick often used by Katzman and Kaplan, in case you haven't noticed, and makes use of certain Thomistic argumentative tenets, which he used to prove God's existence through reason unaided by revelation--the argument from necessity and the argument from possibility. See? We're not as dumb as we look.)
    It is very clear from this passage in Genesis that death was not God's fault but ours, since of the two trees, we were supposed to eat which and avoid which? A. eat life, avoid evil.B. eat gala apples, avoid figi.C. eat lemons, avoid limes. cut down the trees, causing God to move to Thoreau's cabin on Walden Pond and convince Don Henley to buy Paradise.
    The psalmist cries A. Bless ye! B. Bless the Lord, my soul! C. Bless up! D. God bless us ever one!
    Jesus says, how can food defile you if it passes through your stomach into A. the latrine. B. The river. C. the hay field. D. the outhouse.
    This is connected to the first reading, since it was not comestible fruit that killed us, but the knowledge of A. evil, which Augustine would say is merely a parasite of goodness. B. The devil's plan to barf all over eden after eating beans. C. ok get serious.
    please see the original page, bible readings will be up later ok God made the man and the woman naked but they did not A. buy mountains of swag. B. feel any inhibitions. C. what is the hebrew word for shame anyways.
    This is because they had not yet A. tried to discredit the slave girls belonging to Abraham, isaac and jacob and appropriate the interhitance for themselves. B. Just saying. C. But in the Gospel, Jesus exorcises a Greek woman even though A. Greeks were gentiles. B. Greeks were undocumented. C. Greeks did not believe in the messiah of God." we will edit this in a bit. or if you're feeling generous, leave some quizzees on your own neocities and drop a link in the messages.

    No one is forcing anyone to varcare il volcano della valangaverse. Viene, vedi, vivi ma solo se vuoitutorials!

    There is going to have to be a registration in order to present for accreditation. A list of people and the courses they are in, at least something like that but this too needs to be very quietly done so it doesnt get carpet bombed by the likes of Herod.
    Transcript will go here.
    "For more than a century, visual artists have been inspired to expand their artistic practices by engaging in compelling collaborations with the ballet, theater, and opera."--Julie Moll, discussing Marc Chagall and 20th century stage productions
    If no one sees it, they will not get all flipped out about it. so we just take it off line. List of materials I have studied. EX: philosophy, from the hard, mathematically inclined approaches of Husserl, Aristotle, etc to the yawningly wide socio-psychological blabbing of (redacted). poetic works. dante shakespeare chaucer beowulf, Cervantes, Virgil,Homer who proably got his material from some Persian source like Gilgamesh this is called poetry. what does it teach? history and heroics as well as poetry drama humor religion astronomy military strategy etc..